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Students learning to be virtually anyone

Debney Park Secondary College students (from left) Solomon Gebru, Ashav Patel, Henry Hoang and Quynh Chu with their online avatars. Photo: Paul Rovere ASHAV Patel does not look like his online avatar, an athletic character with Japanese-style cartoon body, fox tail and jet pack. Likewise, Solomon Gebru's tall, blond avatar - a rendering of Dragonball Z, the popular anime character - looks nothing like the quietly spoken boy who came to Australia nearly three years ago from Ethiopia. Quynh Chu's online persona is taller than her petite creator. Henry Hoang's is a fox. Advertisement: Story continues below Find more videos like this on Connected Lives Why a fox? ''Because I'm foxy: cunning and good-looking,'' he says, grinning broadly. The four year 10 students from Debney Park Secondary College in Flemington are part of a group that participated in the Avatar Project, a study into information technology and social disadvantage. Funded by VicHealth, the study was initiated and conducted by a team from the School of Education and the Work-Based Education Research Centre at Victoria University. The focus of the study, says research team leader John Martino, was to find out whether and how technology might make a difference to social disadvantage. ''We wanted to know whether we could develop a set of skills that would both transcend that inequality and open up the potential to do things they [the students] might otherwise not have access to.'' The report concluded that while the digital divide between students of different socio-economic backgrounds persists, new technologies have the potential to engage students in learning in ways the traditional curriculum cannot. During the three years of the project, 44 students from Debney Park joined students from around the world in Skoolaborate, a learning Rosetta Stone Korean forum in the virtual world Second Life that aims to develop collaborative and decision-making skills, promote intercultural understanding and share ideas, teaching methods and educational resources. The online activities, which were undertaken during Debney Park's IT classes and voluntary sessions outside class times, included making machinima [3D virtual films], building and selling virtual assets, creating avatars, collaborating with other students and blogging. Many of the participating students from Debney Park were refugees, the children of refugees or from families that experienced some other form of social disadvantage. This contrasted with Skoolaborate's usual population of Australian and international students from non-government middle-class and elite schools. This social disconnect caused initial concern for Magdi Ghobrial, Debney Park's IT co-ordinator and teacher, who introduced the virtual worlds program at the school. ''To be honest, I was really worried about getting them online [in Second Life]. I was concerned about the level of language they might use and their behaviour - or misbehaviour,'' Mr Ghobrial says. ''It was a difficult group. They were in year 9 when they started - year 9 can be a difficult time. But they settled. I was really proud of them.'' He saw many benefits come out of the project: ''It was quite amazing the way they engaged and became active in the class. It was also clear that when they are online they're more confident and more comfortable talking to other people - even when talking to each other. They learned to express themselves better.'' In addition to learning technology skills and experimenting with identity development through their avatars, research leader Martino saw broader social benefits: ''Part of that is getting them trying out social interaction, social connection and engagement in ways they might not be able to do in their own communities. In virtual worlds you can construct environments where students can try things out.'' Ashav Patel, an international student from Botswana, sees the same benefits. ''It gives you the opportunity to do things you can't do in the real world.


Prosecutions have since gone up

The Massachusetts firm, federal authorities now say, was merely a front to facilitate the export of defense technology from U.S. manufacturers to Chinese military-related institutes. And Wu now sits in a federal prison after being sentenced in January to eight years for conspiring to illegally export restricted technologies. According to the Department of Defense, the exported items are "vital for Chinese military electronic warfare, military radar, fire control, military guidance and control equipment, and satellite communications." Also included: parts "that the People's Liberation Army actively seeks to acquire." The use of front companies, or private firms that may also do legitimate business, is a common way that China seeks information, said Pelak, who in 2007 was appointed the Justice Department's first national export control coordinator, focusing on illegal export of munitions and sensitive technology. Prosecutions have since gone up, and today two-thirds of federal illegal export cases involve either China or Iran. "Those private firms, in China and operating elsewhere, they're paid money to do this and they have great incentive to be doing it," said Pelak. Take the case of William Chi-Wai Tsu, a naturalized U.S. citizen and electrical engineer serving a three-year prison sentence for illegally shipping several hundred thumbnail-size integrated circuits to a Beijing company called Dimagit Science & Technology. Investigators said the circuits have a variety of potential applications, including use in sophisticated communications and military radar systems. Dimagit's catalog, according to court records, displayed images of Chinese military craft and promised: "We unswervingly take providing the motherland with safe, reliable and advanced electronic technical support to revitalize the national defense industry as our mission. Ride Rosetta Stone Arabic the wind and cleave the waves, and set sail to cross the sea." Among Dimagit's clients: a research institute affiliated with the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. Court records reviewed by the AP describe how Tsu went about acquiring restricted parts: He created a fictitious company called Cheerway Trading and used the California address of a friend for shipping. He then provided false end-user statements to American electronics distributors, promising that the parts he sought were not for export but for domestic use specifically a project with Cisco Systems. If a distributor pressed Tsu, he would claim that nondisclosure agreements prevented him from providing more detail. Similar tactics were used in a case still awaiting sentencing in Seattle. Lian Yang, a former software engineer at Microsoft, pleaded guilty in late March to attempting to buy restricted technology for a "partner" in China specifically 300 radiation-hardened programmable semiconductor devices that are used in satellites. Yang told a confidential FBI source that he had old school friends in China who'd made money importing electronic components from the United States. He suggested creating a fake U.S. company to list as the end-user for parts that would, in actuality, be exported to China. "Say we need it (the parts) for R and D," he said, meaning research and development, further suggesting that the informant be listed as the company contact because that individual had a non-Chinese name. "And I will be the secret shareholder," said a laughing Yang, according to a court affidavit. Yang was arrested last Dec. 3 after he handed $20,000 to undercover agents in exchange for five of the semiconductor devices. He later confessed that he intended to drive to Canada and then fly to China to deliver the parts himself. His sentencing is set for June 30. "Boiled down to its essence, the defendant's offense amounted to a form of espionage on behalf of the People's Republic of China," prosecutors argued in court papers.


Explore! 2 days 2 presidents many discoveries

By Jim Haag The Virginian-Pilot These guys were brilliant. They studied law, architecture, botany, music, philosophy, art. They spoke more than a half-dozen languages. Both were presidents, and both were instrumental in setting up our form of government. One, Thomas Jefferson, wrote the Declaration of Independence. The other, James Madison, was the architect of the Constitution. They were friends, confidantes and, as I learned on a recent tour of their homes, competitors on the chess board. The two-day trip took me to the edge of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where their residences sit among rolling hills and offer views of a lush countryside that even in winter are breathtaking.At Montpelier, Madison's home, shards of two ivory pawns recently had been discovered in an archaeological dig. The pieces are believed to be part of a chess set used in the frequent matches between the two men. At nearby Monticello, where Jefferson lived and where a set is on display in the parlor, I imagined these Founding Fathers caught up in the cerebral world of kings and queens and rooks. So I ask Aurelia Crawford, the tour guide: Who would you put your money on? She laughs, then says, "They were both pretty amazing." At Monticello, the dome that defines the roofline is the most striking feature of Jefferson's neoclassical home. The building rests atop a hill, which allowed him to view two of his favorite sites - his nearby birthplace of Shadwell and the University of Virginia, which he founded. Almost a constant work-in-progress, Monticello is a home he designed, built, then redesigned and rebuilt. The tour Rosetta Stone V3 begins in The Entrance Hall, where Crawford, the guide, explains its purpose. "The main thing he's doing in the hall is he's showing you the world in different ways," she says. Busts of Voltaire, Alexander Hamilton and others line one wall. Native American artifacts, representing items that Meriwether Lewis and William Clark would have brought back from their westward expedition, hang on another. Above the doors is the Great Clock designed by Jefferson. It includes a series of weights that tell the days of the week as well as time, but despite Crawford's explanation, I'm not sure I understand how it worked. Fossils, including mastadon bones, are on display, as are portraits of the 33-year-old and 78-year-old Jefferson. We visit the family room, then stop in Jefferson's suite, a series of rooms that include his library and bedchamber. Crawford points out his copy of "Don Quixote" in Spanish. "He believed in reading books in their original language," she explains. In the parlor, with its 18-foot ceiling, three windows that end at the floor let in amazing light. Portraits adorn the walls above the windows, and crimson valances give the room a touch of color. A harpsichord takes up one corner, though Crawford notes that Jefferson himself played violin. On a circular table sits a red and white chess set, and I picture Jefferson and Madison huddled in the chairs covered in red damask, engaged in one of their legendary games. Our final stop is an octagonal room, whose walls are covered with a French trellis wallpaper. Guests would have stayed here, and Crawford mentions one in particular. "Jefferson's grandbabies nicknamed this 'Mr. Madison's room,' " she says, "because he was here so often." Jefferson and Madison became acquainted in the state's colonial capital of Williamsburg and remained lifelong friends. Political allies, they saw the need for a strong federal government but thought its power should be limited. They had intellectual issues with slavery but weren't conflicted enough to free the scores of enslaved people who helped run their estates. They enjoyed each other's company and sought each other's advice. They considered themselves to be "friend-brothers" and felt closer to each other than to their own siblings. Both men died in debt, and their families eventually sold their homes. Now run by nonprofit foundations, the buildings and surrounding grounds are open for tours, and you can easily spend three hours at each if you're a lover of history, nature or architecture. Each place includes a visitors center, where a short film and exhibits provide more information; a gift shop; and extensive gardens and grounds. Montpelier is near Orange, about 30 miles from Monticello. The winding roads make travel slow, and I wonder what it would have been like on horseback. Would a friendly game of chess have been worth this? The Georgian-style mansion is stately, with a large front portico punctuated by four Tuscan columns. Yellow doors add punch.


Several people have been wounded in the clashes

What will Mubarak do? 1537 GMT: Hossam Badrawi, secretary general of Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party, is about to resign after just six days in the job, a source close to him tells. 1534 GMT: An Egyptian protester has died and 20 people have been injured in clashes between police and demonstrators in the north Sinai town of Al-Arish, a security official tells. The unidentified protester was killed in an exchange of gunfire between police and demonstrators who were trying to free detainees from a police station, the official says. 1529 GMT: Leader of Mubarak's ruling party to step down: source 1527 GMT: State TV, besieged by cheerful protesters, has adopted a novel form of reality protest show. A presenter is standing in the crowd with his cellphone passing it to demonstrators who are filmed in long shot from somewhere behind the security cordon. One by one they shout the people?s grievances into the phone, and it?s broadcast live on air. It?s a bit repetitive, but it?s an extraordinarily open development on a state channel normally seen as a propaganda organ. 1520 GMT: US official: Mubarak's move to Sharm el-Sheikh "positive first step" 1515 GMT: Italy warns of a looming immigration "emergency" and appeals for European Union assistance, after coast guards intercepted hundreds of undocumented immigrants sailing from Tunisia. "There is a risk of a real humanitarian emergency," says Interior Minister Roberto Maroni. The uprising in Egypt and last month's revolt in Tunisia are leading to a "mass flight" to Italian shores by immigrants, he adds. 1500 GMT: The tense situation in Egypt is affecting US stocks, dealers say. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is down 17.52 points (0.14 percent) at 12,211.85 "Concerns toward the Middle East are stymieing sentiment on the heels of Egyptian President Mubarak?s decision to remain in office," analysts at Charles Schwab say in a client note. 1456 GMT: A security official estimated the total number of marchers in Cairo at up to one million, while an journalist estimated Rosetta Stone Hindi V3 there were around half a million on the seafront in the second city of Alexandria and there were reports of thousands more in Red Sea cities. 1451 GMT: Egyptian protesters in the north Sinai town of El-Arish exchanged gunfire with police today and hurled Molotov cocktails at a police station, witnesses say. About 1,000 protesters broke off from a larger group and headed towards a police station, lobbing firebombs and burning police cars, according to the witnesses. Several people have been wounded in the clashes, but the number is not immediately clear, the witnesses add. 1446 GMT: "People here don't care if he's in the palace or not. We want him to quit the presidency," says 40-year-old Mohammed Hamdan, who works for an oil firm, as he joins the protest outside Mubarak's palace in the Cairo suburbs. 1442 GMT: The Egyptian presidency is to make an "urgent and important" statement shortly, state television says. "An important and urgent statement will be made by the presidency of the republic shortly," it says. 1434 GMT: Egypt presidency to make 'important' statement shortly: state TV 1433 GMT: A former Israeli minister who has close ties with the Egyptian regime said on Friday that embattled President Hosni Mubarak had told him, shortly before making last night's televised speech that he was looking for an "honorable exit." Speaking to Israeli army radio, Labour MP Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, until recently a minister, said he had spoken to Mubarak by phone shortly before his address to the nation. "He knows it's over, that it is the end of the road. He didn't tell me anything before his speech, except that he was looking for a way out," Ben-Eliezer said. 1427 GMT: It tells you something when Iraq is considered a safer place to be than where you are. News from the Baghdad office: The Iraqi government is offering money and free flights to Iraqi citizens in Egypt who want to escape the raging protests. More than 1,700 Iraqis have so far taken up the offer to return home, making use of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's personal plane and one provided by transport ministry. Families who opt to stay in Egypt are also to receive financial support. 1409 GMT: Mohammed Abdellah, a spokesman for the ruling National Democratic Party, tells our reporter that the president and his family are in the resort.

Last train to Hogwarts

Harry Potter fan Erica Crombie. Photo: Meredith O'Shea Harry Potter has been a central figure in the lives of many young people and the boy wizard will be sorely missed. WHEN Erica Crombie's parents bought her a book about wizards and magic to help alleviate the boredom of a wet week in a Queensland holiday park, little did they know what they'd let themselves in for. Between the rather ordinary covers lay a story so compelling and addictive, it drew the nine-year-old into a parallel world where she would spend the next half of her life. From the time she turned the first page and met Harry Potter crouching in a cupboard under the stairs at No. 4 Privet Drive, the young Crombie was hooked. What followed was a decade of adventure in which she spent close to $20,000 on Potter paraphernalia and trips to America and Canada for academic conferences, where lecturers gave earnest talks entitled ''Not Just Good and Evil: Moral Alignment in Harry Potter'' and ''Bloody Hell! Why Am I So Wild About Harry?'' Advertisement: Story continues below Adam Shelley and Aleysha Vanheusden - grown up Harry Potter fans. Photo: Craig Sillitoe On July 13, the second part of the seventh and final film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, will be coming to a cinema near you. ''It all ends,'' say the posters ominously and they are not wrong. But for the legions of fans across the globe who have grown up with Harry, it is not just the end of the series, it's the end of their childhood. Like Harry, they have come of age and are entering the workforce or university. In the immortal words of Corinthians, it is time Rosetta Stoneto ''do away with childish things'', which means they should, by rights, be consigning their pointy hats, wands and wizard garb to the bin-liner meant for the nearest op-shop. ''It's time to grow up,'' concedes Adam Shelley, 20, from Coburg. ''But I don't think I can imagine my life without Harry.'' Diehard fan Erica Crombie saved money from her after-school job to finance her attendance at a Harry Potter symposium in Las Vegas. Photo: Craig Sillitoe I meet Shelley, who works for Gold Buyers Australia, and his equally Potter-mad friend Aleysha Vanheusden, 20, not surprisingly at Flinders Street Station. (She is wearing a Gryffindor scarf as a means of identification). Over mugs of hot chocolate in lieu of steaming butter beer, I ask the million-dollar question: what is it about Harry Potter that's so appealing? Both struggle to capture the magnitude of their feelings with mere words. ''It's the whole story of a boy being treated horribly by his adopted family and then discovering there's a world out there that's bigger and better. It's about finding yourself, about discovering that you are needed. It's so hard to explain,'' says Shelley. The childhood fantasy, where you imagine the dreary adults you're stuck with are not your ''real'' parents - who are, like Harry's true parents, just amazing - is a recurring theme in children's fiction (think how happy the Ugly Duckling was when he discovered he was of a more noble lineage). Freud called it ''the family fantasy'' and while its purpose is complex, he believed it helped children cope with the disappointment they felt towards their own rather boring parents, and the inevitable separation from them. And where better to embed a story about separation than in the English boarding school?


Beyond the world of Wii

So, we're getting closer to the day when the Big Two games consoles catch up with the gallant little Nintendo Wii and embrace motion control. And not just embrace it with a couple of dodgy handheld controllers that don't come anywhere near providing us with the perfectly-mapped lightsaber experience we were sort of promised by Nintendo. No, Sony and Microsoft are going much further with their Move and Kinect systems. I hesitate to call them motion control because they're much more than that something akin to full body immersion. But in very different ways. By now most of you will have seen Sony's new Move controllers with the glowing ping-pong balls. They look ridiculous but they are the functioning heart of the Move system, and from all reports they provide freakishly accurate control, well beyond anything achievable with the Wii. Microsoft on the other hand has gone completely in the other direction, opting for a control scheme without controllers, a true full body immersion scheme. It sounds way more radical than Move, because it is. If you think about a hand-held controller, be it for the Xbox or PlayStation, there is an immense amount of functionality packed in to one small device. So much so that whole categories of control schemes have evolved, a language spoken in twitch responses, finger presses and trigger pulls. Once you understand the basics of the language you can translate it across any number of games and platforms. For instance no matter what the game we almost always lock on to a target with the left trigger and shoot with the right. Change that system and Rosetta Stone Arabic you add hours to the learning curve for any new title. In that sense Sony's motion controllers may be thought of as evolutionary rather than revolutionary. They do provide a quantum leap over the current Sixaxis system, but it is not a leap away from that system. With so much still unknown and unwritten about Microsoft's Kinect, however, it's much harder to imagine how developers will be able to build in complex functionality when they have nothing but body movement and hand gestures and just possibly facial expressions to go with. The voice control system developed for Tom Clancy's EndWar game does, I suppose, raise a few intriguing possibilities. But for now I see a vista littered with mini games and fitness programs stretching out ahead of us. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I can totally dig on the idea of getting a bit of kumite practice in at home in front of the television. If I was an agent for Chuck Norris or Jackie Chan I would totally be licensing their images to a games developer right now for some kind of Teach Yourself How To Be An Awesome Killing Machine training game. (Although of course in the Chuck Norris version, only Chuck could ever win, and he'd do it really quickly, with a lethal, flashing roundhouse kick to your head in the opening 10th of a second). A quick survey, then, my fleet-thumbed friends. Who here is thinking of investing in Move or Kinect later this year? And if you are, what you do expect to get out of it? For my part (and I'm adding this a few hours after I wrote the initial blog and have had some time to reflect), I suspect based on early reports I may end up buying a lot more Move games, which would be a total turn-around from my current reliance on the Box as my system of choice. Just a feeling. Advertisement: Story continues below Oh, there's a nice video piece by Asher Moses putting Kinect through its paces here.


Now we don't have to see the film!

Four other cardinal sins of the Be-trailer The Star That Ate The Plot A be-trailer will often imply or just plain scream that this film is exactly like its star's previous success, regardless of script, budget, genre or even language. Green Zone's be-trailer was Jason Bourne in Iraq. Matt Damon on the other hand read the script and made an entirely different film. Pffft artists! Another example from this year was The Expendables, watching the trailer it was clear that this was a film that had united Sly with Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger. It was slightly less clear that the lines the latter pair said in this betrailer were also the only lines they had in the entire film. Spoiler Room The be-trailer that shows you the entire film, set up through to finish. The Rebound actually included the final scene in its betrailer. Worse, this is a double betrayal. Not only does it ruin a film but it allows the "funny guy" in the cinema to loudly bray "That trailer just saved us a fortune darl. Now we don't have to see the film!" Never gets old. Megamind is another film currently undermining its own twists. The be-trailer has long clips of Metro Man turning to music as a recluse, which slightly detracts from the early plot development when Megamind believes he has killed him. Really Not Another Date Movie This be-trailer doesn't even bother lying to you, in fact it ignores you. It forces you to see the film by conning your Canada Goose parka partner. Your boyfriend was sure Skyline would have a storyline. Your wife knew Remember Me would prove Robert Pattinson's acting chops. Your partner didn't lie to you. They were be-trailed. The Joke That Knocked Twice The comedy whose be-trailer is so hysterical and packed full of gags that you must see it. There's no way you can know you've been be-trailed until you're half an hour into the film and you are mouthing the rare and telegraphed punchlines along with the wacky lead. A single two and half minutes of betrailer was enough to delivered every joke in Grown Ups. With Cop Out they got them all into a 30 second be-teaser. Be Alert Not Be-Trailed The people behind these cinematic cons would sell you their own grandmother in order to raise funds to buy the very same grandmother a birthday present and then take a commission. As such, it's fair to say be-trailers are a blight on the film landscape that are unlikely to disappear. The trick then is to remember that modern trailers are first and foremost advertisements, and that means sex sells. So when you next see lots of naked Jake and topless Anne shots in a trailer or a poster, ask yourself whether a mindless screwball comedy would convince serious actors to nude up or are they hiding a weighty script up their lack of sleeve? Love and Other Drugs is a romance, with a point, with comedy moments, with nudity, and with early onset Parkinson's. It should be seen as such and it should be proud, not be-trailed.


I am glad I did and I'm as mad as hell about it, too

Karen Jackson Gympie (Qld) Geoff Ford's denunciation of Stephen Fielding's accomplishments as ''outrageous'' (Letters, September 10) shows his misunderstanding of the different goals of English teaching and the sciences. I, too, am an engineer who managed to be ''top of the bottom class'' in English - but my aggregate score in the HSC was in the top 5 per cent of the state. I imagine Senator Fielding's aggregate was also quite high, as it must be to enter university. As an engineer, he would probably have been quite easy to understand in intent, even if not accurate in English. Indeed, we all knew what he meant - so he succeeded in communicating his intent. Australia's failure to value and train more engineers has led to the need to import many. Misunderstandings in these cases, linguistic and cultural, could well lead to actual dangers to the public. I do not agree with Senator Fielding's opinions, but at least I understand what he means. James Fuller Nimbin Graphic childbirth photo a much-needed wake-up call Eva Jensen (Letters, September 10) is wrong to say there is no woman in this country who would want a photo of herself having a child on the floor of a filthy hospital like the one in Papua New Guinea. Any woman who had been subjected to such squalor and indignity would be as mad as hell and want the rest of us to do something about it. If I had not seen the shocking photo, I doubt whether I would have read the article. I am glad I did and I'm as mad as hell about it, too. It's hard to generate empathy without visual proof. Paul Roberts Lake Cathie Finally, a confronting photo of a PNG woman giving birth on the floor, which exposes the plight that these women and others in the South Pacific face each day. Eva Jensen says it should not have been printed no matter what the cause. High maternal mortality Rosetta Stone rates and lack of resources should be sufficient cause. Kerry Spurrett Mulgoa Despite the assault on our delicate, coddled sensibilities, more than finely wrought words would not have attracted such instant attention, nor elicited so much compassion for the plight of mothers in Papua New Guinea as did that photograph. Donald Hawes Dubbo Auburn sees red As a person of Lebanese Muslim descent, I am sick to death of living with so-called Muslims who do not act in a way that represents Islam, but the very tribal, warring, selfish idiocy that Islam tried to counter (''Crowd pelt police after drug raid'', September 9). Pulling the ''cultural insensitivity'' card is as pathetic as the cry of ''anti-semitism'' in response to objections over illegal Israeli settlements. The police have had their hands tied for far too long, and Auburn has suffered. Ironically, if we were back in the village, these guys would not have dared to carry on this way. Stand up, people of Auburn, and reclaim the right to a peaceful neighbourhood. Vanessa Chamas Auburn Raise pay to remove perks Joe Ludwig and his four-member panel will have a huge job on their hands to look at all parliamentary allowances, which are vague enough to invite ambiguity or abuse (''MPs pay for misusing perks'', September 9). The basic wage of an MP is currently frozen at $7,060 and can only be adjusted annually by the Remuneration Tribunal, something Kevin Rudd overruled last year. Naturally MPs, earning less than many other professionals, try to supplement this by using, literally, every perk in the book. One of the first items issued to politicians entering Parliament is a 4-page handbook that lists every taxpayer-funded perk available, including not only printing and travel allowances, but such items as furniture and dishwashers.


Roosters brilliant effort has been a long time coming

FIRST IMPRESSIONS The Roosters certainly didnt look like wooden-spooncontenders in this one. From the opening whistle there was an energy and purpose abouttheir performance that has been lacking all season. Advertisement: Story continues below They made simple handling errors in their first three sets ofsix in the match, but for the rest of the game they were just aboutperfect in their execution and ball control. ROOSTERS FORWARDS The Rooster forwards, led by the experienced men CraigFitzgibbon and Willie Mason, totally outmuscled the Knightspack and set the foundation for this huge upset. Half Mitchell Pearce enjoyed the extra time and space at hisdisposal and was able to ignite the enthusiastic speed men outwide. He mixed up his game well. He tested the Knightsdefence on the edges and back through the middle with some nicevariation. The Roosters totally dominated field position and managed topost some good tries to establish a 24-6 half-time lead. The body language at this stage suggested the game was virtuallyover. However, the respective positions of the two teams on thepremiership ladder had you thinking there had to be a swing Rosetta Stone inmomentum at some stage. When the second stanza did begin the visitors picked straight upwhere theyd left off and soon put the result beyonddoubt. THE KNIGHTS The Knights looked frantic and totally out of sorts allmatch. The expression on their faces was a combination of shell-shockand frustration. Perhaps they were guilty of under-estimating theiropponents. They did have very little possession in the opening 40 minutesbut much of this was due to the excellent play by the Roosters thananything the Knights were doing wrong. In fact in the first 45 minutes of the contest the Roostersforced six line drops-outs on the home team and the extra defensiveworkload certainly took its toll. Even when they received a bit of possession in the second halfthey were guilty of going sideways too often and were easilycontained by the enthusiastic Rooster defenders. Their normally solid defence looked uncertain and fragile asthey battled to contain the rampaging visitors. THE MOTIVATION What motivates a football team? You would have to interview every individual in the Roostersteam and ask him what motivated him for last nights matchcompared to virtually every other game so far this year. There wasa totally different vibe about this team last night. The big indication of intent and spirit is in the way playerswork for each other in attack and defence. The Roosters wererelentless last night better than Ive seen them for along, long time. THE VERDICT This Roosters victory was no fluke. Losing coach Brian Smith will have sleepless nights this weekwondering how to inspire the Knights from their slump in form. The winning coach, Brad Fittler, will have sleepless nightswondering where the hell this brilliant Roosters form has beenhiding for the past year. Rugby league is a funny game.


Harry's a Turkish delight

Photo: AP Galatasaray fans love Harry Kewell and he is keen to put their clubon top of the table, writes Matthew Hall in Istanbul. There are, according to Harry Kewell, no longer any validexcuses. Such is the high level of professionalism within the Socceroos that travelling long distances for matches and lack of preparation fail to faze the Galatasaray star. Professionalism is one reason, Kewell says, that Australia's World Cup campaign has - so far - taken the team unbeatenacross the Middle East, Japan and Uzbekistan. "Players in Europe are used to travelling," Kewell says. "It ispart and parcel of the game. The only difference is the most youfly in Europe is five hours. Yes, it is difficult to fly 24 hours[to Australia] but we have the medical staff and everything we needto perform. Advertisement: Story continues below "It's not as if we are going and living in a caravan park. We have the best available to us. We have masseurs and the food thatwe want. There are no excuses [for a bad performance]. No player will make excuses." He pauses and laughs. "Only if we have a bad game." This is a story about Kewell but also the professionalism thatenvelops Australia's most gifted and most famous footballer. And itis a story about the commitment required to recover the form thatmade the kid from Smithfield in Sydney's south-west one of the mosttalented young footballers in Europe. Ask around Galatasaray, the Turkish club Kewell joined thisseason in what some saw as a surprising move, and one word keepscropping up about their Australian import - professionalism. That's how the club's management describes Kewell but it's not PR spin. The word keeps surfacing when talking with localreporters, the team's physiotherapist, fans and a random guy with no apparent official job who hangs around the reception area Rosetta Stone Software at Galatasaray's training ground. It is also apparent in Kewell's spartan living conditions. Visit the Istanbul apartment he shares with Australian physiotherapist Les Gel is and it's clear this is not the scene of many dinnerparties. Kewell has yet to see much of the city's impressive touristattractions. Between training sessions, Pilates classes, gymworkouts, and rest, he has no time. He's in Turkey to work. "Seeing some sights is one of the things on the list but we haveno time," Kewell says. "We play so many games and are justtraining, resting, training, resting. Some would say we aremachines." After four years of injury hell, a now fit 30-year-old Kewell isso committed to football that he moved to Istanbul for the game while his wife, Sheree, and their three children stayed at home in England. Kewell's surrogate family is Gelis, a former Socceroo sphysio therapist, who consulted at Liverpool and can now be seen ina Galatasaray tracksuit. Their apartment is a 10-minute walk to theclub's training ground. "My family in Istanbul is Les," Kewell says. "We're heretogether and there is not a lot we do but train, eat, sleep, maybe play a little Xbox now and then. Other than that I am just workingall the time. "I could not have moved to Istanbul without having him here. Ihave always travelled and been away from my family when I was young, but this time it was different. I was going away for good.It's difficult and we're both in the same boat. We have to keepourselves occupied and that is one reason why we work a lot." If Kewell impresses Galatasaray officials and fans, therelationship is working two ways. On the field, the team is havingan erratic season, but Istanbul has handed Kewell a new lease oflife.


Glowing brighter than the combined light of the moon

They possess a yellowish hue like the scales of the pathenam fish which often inhabit the mouths of deep sea whales [Again, not totally true, we have seen shark pearls white in color.] "Boar pearls [we have this pearl available in our collection] are colored like a boar's tusks and are found only in remote parts of the world. Such pearls are auspicious symbols of the Varaha boar incarnation of the Supreme Lord, Sri Vishnu. "Pearls derived from bamboo appear like hailstones in color, and they are found only within bamboo that has grown in a region populated by religious people [Lots of bamboo pearls in our collection--they mostly come from Ujung Kulon, Java, which secret sources say is one of the remote places where the Indonesian Spiritual Masters regularly convene]. "Pearls from the cobra's hood are perfectly round, like fish pearls, and they radiate a natural effulgence. By repeated washing, a snake pearl becomes as lustrous as a polished sword blade. Anyone possessing such a naga-mani attains piety, rare good fortune, and eventually becomes illustrious as a leader of men, complete with a great collection of all precious gems [Cobra-pearls are not always round, they may also come in other shapes]. "Upon acquiring such a snake pearl, the owner should have the rite of installation performed by a priest who is learned in religious formalities. After hearing from the owner how the pearl was obtained and conducting the benedictory ritual, the priest should formally install the jewel inside the owner's house. On such an auspicious occasion, the sky becomes filled with dark and heavy rain clouds, thunder Rosetta Stone Software , and flashing lightning, such as exhibited at the time of universal dissolution. A man in possession of such a snake pearl will never be troubled by snakes, demonic beings, diseases, or disturbances in any form. "Cloud pearls [this could possibly be a "dew pearl" or a variation], being naturally effulgent like the sun, illuminate the sky in all directions and dispel the darkness of cloudy days. Glowing brighter than the combined light of the moon, the twinkling stars, and fire, a cloud-born pearl dissipates even the darkest night exactly like the sunrise. A cloud pearl is so priceless that the entire earth, with her oceans filled with countless jewels and covered in layers of gold, would not be equal in value. Cloud pearls rarely reach this earthly world, because they are usually taken away by the demigods. "Even a low born man would become supreme ruler of the entire world if, as result of some past pious actions, he were to come into possession of such a pearl. The appearance of such a man on earth who obtained a cloud pearl during his lifetime would bring good fortune not only to himself, but to the entire human race as well. No form of evil could even touch the land within an 8,000 mile radius of his birthplace." THE "OTHER" PEARLS By Richard S. Brown, Gemologist (G.I.A.)How do animal/plant pearls differ from ordinary gem stones and crystals? Mustika-pearls contain energies of the Totem Animal/Plant Spirit-Guardians (Power-Animals/Plant Devas) of the species under its care. During its construction, an elemental spirit appropriates these energies to actually construct every line of force within the pearl and to actually dwell within it after it is fully formed.


They are gone before his return

So again do not let anyone tell you that miracles and spiritual gifts are to last until Christ's return.But, one might object to this argument on the grounds that if this be true then it would also eliminate evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Yes, it would those miraculously qualified to do the work by being the recipient of a spiritual gift. One needs to bear in mind, however, that with the completed revelation of Christ to man one no longer needed spiritual gifts to qualify or enable him for the work. Also beware lest you be led astray thinking that since what is called Christendom today is divided that "the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God" never arrived. Yes, that has been lost today but that does not mean they never had it say back in 150 A.D. (just using that date as an example). Believe it or not there was a time when things were not like they are today. The unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God and how to obtain to mature spiritual manhood in Christ are found in the pages of the completed New Testament. Outside those pages you can know nothing of or about Christ or of the faith. If you are carried about by false doctrine you need not be. That is what you have a New Testament for so you will not be led into false doctrine and can know the truth (if you really want to know it which is where a lot of the problem lies in the will to accept it in all its teachings). Now what are the implications of miracles having ceased or put another way what are the implications if miracles have ceased? Let me say to start that the implications are so great that some religious bodies will never Rosetta Stone ever accept it as fact for the simple reason it would destroy them as a religious body. If a religious group's very existence is dependent on the continuation of miracles that is an exceedingly strong incentive to fight for them and argue for them and not accept New Testament teaching on the subject.Remember the purpose of miracles was to confirm the word. If you still want the world to believe you are a source of revealed authoritative teaching and preaching, teaching that cannot be found in the pages of the New Testament (emphasis here), received directly from God, then you must have miracles to confirm the word. You cannot have the Catholic Church without miracles can you? If they want to hand down law and claim God's authority for it then they have to have God performing miracles among them. No choice about it. The Catholic Church claims authority and teaches many doctrines that cannot be found in the pages of the New Testament (I think they will agree with me on this). Why should any man believe them? There is only one reason miracles. They must make the claim of miracles being performed among them and do their best to get people to believe they are genuine. They will never accept that miracles have ceased. If you are Catholic logic requires that you believe in modern day miracles. The miracles confirm that God is among them approving of them and of their teaching. They must have miracles to maintain their authority. They will have their miracles by hook or crook with no New Testament passages bothering them.One must remember the Catholic Church believes authority resides with them and not solely with the New Testament. They are not willing to accept the New Testament alone as the final authority in religion.Pentecostal groups have a different motivation. As far as I know they have not tried to get humanity to think that God hands down law today through them, law not found in the New Testament, but they have misunderstood the New Testament.


Internet Guru Tells How To Make $500 Or More Per Day

Less than three short months ago, a new 1Step System was born with a very real potential for generating a great deal of income in a short time. Co -founders Rod Stinson and Chris Koehl have brought this opportunity to people all over the world. Many are joining now because the company is still in its infancy, which from a marketing standpoint is surely the best time to get on board.What makes this business opportunity so attractive is that it is so easy. It is appropriately called the 1 Step System. It stands to reason, the more an individual puts in to their business, the more he or she will get out of it, however, your early efforts in the beginning stages can easily provide at least some income while you lay back and observe.Everyone knows, there is no such thing as a free lunch, however, I haven't seen another business opportunity where start-up costs can so easily be recouped in such a short time and profit starts rolling in. From those Rosetta Stone Arabic who have no experience, to the most seasoned marketer, its a great opportunity to see a steady cash flow in a relatively short time. It's also a great way to earn extra income at home. Those with years of Internet marketing experience are calling it a brilliant concept designed for building wealth for anyone who is savvy enough to see its earning potential.Our experience has revealed that to many entrepreneurs out to earn extra money from home, have fallen victim to deceptive and greedy get rich quick scams that guarantee your success. This business sets itself far apart from those, and what is so refreshing about the 1 Step System is there is no selling, no phone calls, no explaining, no answering questions and no closing. Most of the work is done for you. It's a fact, co-founders Rod Stinson and Chris Koehl have taken the 'Net by storm. It's nice knowing that with this business, anyone, regardless of their experience or background, has the same chance for financial independence.


The Highly Flexible Online Degree That Offers As Much Creditability

We live in a time when the world around us seems to have been pre-programmed to excel and life seems to be becoming more demanding everyday. A need for an extra something seems to have become a most wanted for every working professional to survive in todays crucial business environment. The extra something can add status to the credentials and more zeros to the paycheck. To succeed and continue to shine in the tough world of business, the indispensable something is none other than the MBA or Master of Business Administration. The business world is ever changing. What is an innovative idea today can be obsolete tomorrow. The objective is to create a signature statement, a brand image in the minds of the consumers. Todays business organizations strive to achieve this objective and therefore look for professionals who have the vision, abilities, values and urge to lead the business ahead of others. An In todays fast-paced world, most of us need to have a full-time career to make a living. Family responsibilities may arise that could prevent one from further studying. The job might call for frequent travelling-many reasons can play their part in averting one from obtaining higher studies. The internet has brought a perfect solution to all these problems. You dont need to commute to the class, you dont need to leave the house, you dont need to set a time fixed for your Rosetta Stone Spanish (Spain) class schedules, you dont need to keep up with the stringent rules of the college, and most importantly, the degree is just as acceptable as a regular one. You are motivated to get things done because you've invested in yourself and you want to see the results from your investment. Bottom line? Success ultimately comes from two simple factors...1) Put your life's goals in writing2) Pay In AdvanceI know from personal experience that this works. I never thought it was necessary to write down my goals, I always just 'knew' what they were in my head. And I never really got anywhere. On the other hand, an old friend has always set comprehensive, written goals in every area of his life, but particularly financial goals because that's how he liked to keep score. He lived through many hard times while he was paying in advance, he studied everything he could, found a mentor and learned some more... and he became a multi millionaire...Now I set written goals and things are really starting to move for me as well :-)And when I see would be online millionaires who don't invest in information and tools to move forward and make it to the next level...and when I hear them complain when they're asked to spend money on their education. Or when I hear them saying how expensive things are and how they 'can't afford it', then I know in my heart that unfortunately those people will probably never make have a profitable online business. Information gives us the chance to make giant steps forward in our lives. It's that simple. I've invested heavily in information products over the last 3 years (when I couldn't really afford it) and like the farmer, continue to reap the profits.


For Teachers Who Want To Make A Difference

How will the master online special education degree equip those teachers who want to make a difference? The answer is straightforward - in the USA, currently there are over 6 million students who have enrolled in these special programs.While schools - public and private, preschool to secondary - struggle to identify and deploy qualified teachers to address these 6 million students, nobody knows for sure how many million students more need to be identified for special classes, so that they can better cope with their learning disabilities, or physical and mental handicaps.At the same time, successive Federal and State Administrations since 1975 have sharpened their focus on creating complex systems for identifying, formulating, and delivering a highly-individualized education program to each eligible student. The cornerstone of these legislations, programs, and licensures is the highly qualified teacher.A Master's degree in has thus become a must for aspiring teachers, and with many of them already employed as regular teachers, master online special education degree has become the most convenient route to this profession.What It InvolvesMaster online special education degree involves distance or online learning that leads to graduate degrees like Master of Education (MEd), Master of Science (MS), Master of Arts (MA), or any of the specialized master's degrees in various sub-domains, such as dyslexia, attention-deficit, etc.Master online special education degree courses will last upwards of one year, and might involve significant on-the-job training under an experienced special educator. Rosetta Stone Most states also require that aspiring teachers pass a licensure test, before starting their career.Why Special Education?On an average, teachers in this field don't earn much more than regular teachers. On the other hand, the job responsibilities of these teachers are more demanding - they can even include defending oneself and the school's program in court, if dissatisfied parents of challenged students opt for litigation, as has happened numerous times in various states!Still, about 450,000 educators have opted for and currently work as special education teachers in the country. What must be the attraction?Teachers in this field are very unlikely to encounter unemployment in the short-term or long-term. But that alone can't be the lure to enter this profession, where sheer hard work, difficult coordination between many, and uncertain outcomes from the part of students, make life stressful.The answer can, hence, be only that there are hundreds of thousands of teachers out there who want to make a genuine difference to the lives of these challenged students. And it is indeed a huge difference. According to estimates, four in five challenged students used to be excluded from the US education system, as near as three decades back. Official figures, tabulated around 1975, put this at 1 million students, who missed the bus.Why Master Special Education Degree?Teachers in this specialty are still in significant short supply. Because of this, some states have still not made it mandatory for them to have a master's degree. In such states, bachelor's degree holders appear for professional licensure exams and work as special education teachers.However, more and more states are opting for a master's degree as the minimum qualification, for a simple reason.


There is a reason its called copy writing

How to start a small online business Some people complicate the concept of making money online.The reason is the majority of people who have made money online have done it by teaching others how to make money online.In other words they have never actually had any other business besides teaching people how to make money online.I have personally had over 13 profitable niches that make over $1,000 profit per month. Each niche was totally different than the next.So whats the secret to making money online, to starting a small online business?You must master the art of acquiring customers and converting them into sales. You must become a master of marketing. If you know how to get customers to buy products you will never go hungry again.It doesnt matter what niche you go to. I recommend getting started by studying the masters of marketing. People like Dan Kennedy, Joe Sugarman, Jay Abraham, Gary Bencivenga, and many others who developed the principles of getting people to buy from you.Most people online today are just watered down versions of the original masters of marketing.Now there is a shortcut version while you get your marketing skills up to speed. And that is to use templates. Simply model what has worked for others in the past, but put your own unique spin on it.There is a reason its called copy writing. Even the best in the world Rosetta Stone Portuguese are consistently swiping ideas from one another.The way to make money online is to master marketing and the fastest way to do that is to simply model what is working for other people. Dont try to reinvent the wheel!So there you have it, how to start a small business online in simple terms! There is no hospital, medical services provider, pharmaceutical company, or corporation in the health services industry that cannot benefit from an increased online presence. Online marketing is the wave of the future, and even though older medical marketing tactics are still helpful and will still work, without the complete package of techniques you're not using every tool at your disposal to increase sales. And in a sluggish economy, no company can afford to pass on an opportunity like this.If you're interested in expanding your marketing reach, your first step should be to find a good company that knows both online marketing and traditional medical marketing. Once you've found a good company with experience, you'll be ready to start exploring the complicated world of internet marketing and the increased revenue that comes with it.

Advantages Of Studying Medical Transcription Online

Medical transcription is a great career to study for online. Some of the most reputable schools for medical transcription offer their courses only online.FlexibilityOnline study is usually highly flexible. This is great if you're studying medical transcription while working at a regular job, or even one with irregular hours. You can fit your studies in around your work schedule.You also don't have to start and finish a course on their schedule. You can decide you're ready to train, and there will be a program ready for you to start. Then you finish as quickly or slowly as you need to, in most cases, within reason. If you need a little more time, the course probably has room for it, and if you need more time than that, many courses offer extensions.CostOnline courses can sound pricey, with prices starting over $1000 and going up over $3000 for good quality schools. But that's less than a college degree (which you don't need for this career anyhow) and may not be that different from what you would pay locally for a course you have to attend in person.It may be a little challenging to pay for, since most online medical transcription schools aren't eligible for Pell Grant or other Federal financial aid programs. But many schools allow you to use a payment plan, and that can help you to deal with the cost.QualityAs I said above, some of the best medical transcription schools are only online. These are programs that potential employers trust. That means a better chance at landing a job within a reasonable time frame after graduation.It is important to note, however, that not all online schools offer high Rosetta Stone French quality. Make sure that when you consider a medical transcription school that you go for one that has AHDI Approval. They check the quality of the medical transcription training offered. This specific to medical transcription approval is a much better gauge of quality than a more generic accreditation is when you want to enter this industry.PracticeStudying at home is like practicing for your future career if you're planning to work at home. You need the skills you'll learn, such as dealing with distractions and keeping to a schedule. This is extremely valuable.You may get some of that from a course you're taking in a regular classroom, as you'll still have homework, but it's not a constant thing.Connections to Teachers and Fellow StudentsStudying online may sound lonely. It really doesn't have to be.Good online programs include many ways to keep in contact with your teachers. This includes phone, instant messaging, email, chats and message boards. This gives you a great deal of flexibility in how you communicate with your teachers.You will also usually be able to use the message boards to communicate and network with your fellow students. This is useful not only when you're studying but when you graduate and need to network as you look for work.Studying online isn't for every student. You need to think if you can handle the flexibility. But if it doesn't suit you to study online, you may need to reconsider whether working from home is the right choice for you. It may still be, but it could take more work.


Invest In Property In Abu Dhabi

The fast growing Arabian capital of Abu Dhabi is the richest and largest of all the seven UAE states. The city is located on a T-shaped island leading into the Persian Gulf, from the central western coast, and has a population of around 900,000 inhabitants. It currently controls 90 per cent of the oil wealth in the region, making it one of the largest producers of oil in the world. The economyAbu Dhabi has the largest fossil fuel reserve in the UAE, is the fourth biggest natural gas producer in the world, has the worlds highest income per capita, is home to almost all of the Arabic Fortune 500 companies, and is currently sitting on over 88 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.Nonetheless, the emirate is now actively trying to reduce its reliance on oil, and is diversifying its economy into the financial services and tourism sectors. Billions of pounds have been allocated for infrastructure projects and the development of residential, leisure and cultural schemes across the oil-rich emirate. Abu Dhabi is determined to challenge Dubai and establish itself as a major tourist destination, buoyed by its subtropical climate and 700 km coastline of unspoiled beaches and cultural sites.Tourist attractions include the Louvre and Guggenheim museum, a wildlife reserve, a UAE public library, the National Theatre, and the development of the 13.5 billion Saadiyat Island.In 2009 Abu Dhabi will host its first ever Formula One grand prix on the Yas Island, which includes a Ferrari theme park. Elsewhere, Aldar Properties will develop a $3billion (1.5billion) Motor World, including service centres and a museum, as well as offices, hotels and homes for 30,000 people.David Nicholls of EM concepts says: The plans for Abu Dhabi are truly remarkable. The transport infrastructure is also already sound and the states pockets are bottomless.The emirate Rosetta Stone Hindi is served by several major airlines, including British Airways, BMI, Eagle Air, KLM, Etihad Airways, Gulf Air, Qatar Airways and Lufthansa. Incidentally, hotel occupancy rates currently stands at over 80 per cent, up from around 60 per cent in 2003. James Gonzalez of Obelisk comments: Abu Dhabi plans to be a premier global tourism destination. Within the next three years, the emirate will see major investment in airport infrastructure, which will increase airport capacity from seven million to 20 million passengers a year by 2011.Abu Dhabis rapid growth and rising tourism levels is driving demand, causing a massive property surge, similar to that experienced in Dubai a few years ago. Property market Unlike neighbouring Dubai, where it is feared that there will soon be a total oversupply of properties, in Abu Dhabi, there is currently a reported housing shortfall of around 20,000 units. The supply of housing stock remains scant, partly because Abu Dhabi is not part of a community master-plan like those pioneered by Emaar and Nakheel in Dubai. Carlo Walther, head of business development for Rightmove Overseas, comments:From an investors point of view, Abu Dhabi has several serious advantages With a $200 billion investment programme scheduled for the next 10 years, its little wonder that there is such excitement around this market.


What If You Can't Afford a Wedding Planner?

Too many brides allow themselves to get pushed around. Your grand-aunt Tillie tells you that you must have a 5-layer cake because that's what she had, but you don't want a five-layer cake. Your cousin brags about how "they" went to Tahiti for their honeymoon, but you have decided on Hawaii. And then there are your parents' best friends, who say all the weddings they go to have a 5-piece orchestra.You keep checking your "reality monitor." Are these people for real? You don't want to offend, but deep inside you're burning, because hey, it's YOUR wedding and why are all of these people telling you what to do?Shy bride, speak out. Tell all of these "advisers" that you are doing fine. Don't be shy about telling them to back off.You can do this in a nice way. Simply explain: "I know you want to help and I really do appreciate your suggestions. However, we have put a lot of thought into the wedding, and we have made all of the decisions ourselves. If we need any suggestions, we will certainly ask for your opinion." Do this with a smile but be firm. Just remember, that the purpose of the wedding is to "get married" and not to satisfy everyone else's whims.To help you out, you may wish to consult with a wedding planner. However, with wedding costs going through the roof, many couples are deciding Spanish Learning Software they can't afford a professional wedding planner on top of everything else.While a wedding planner may seem costly at first, you should meet with several before you decide against hiring a wedding planner. One reason is that wedding planners often can get you a much better price on practically everything -- from the flowers, to the food, to the photographer -- thus making the the wedding planning essentially free. Each wedding planner offers different deals, and so it's worth your time to do your due diligence and talk to a few about what they can offer.You should also consider how much your time is worth. A wedding planner will save you literally hundreds of hours in those very precious months before your wedding. You need to ask yourself: How do I really want to spend my time before the wedding? Enjoying it with my partner and friends, or running around town attending to the myriad of details that weddings require?Finally, it is wise to consider the value of your mental health. More than once a wedding has pushed a bride or groom to the limits of their sanity, sometimes even resulting in cancellation of the wedding and the marriage. A wedding planner takes much of the stress off the bride and groom, thus allowing them time in their last days as an engaged couple to walk the beach, watch a sunset, and dream about their future together.All too soon the realities of life will ensue. Give yourselves time to enjoy your special time from the moment of engagement until after the honeymoon ...


History of Wedding Favors

Practical Wedding Favors Wedding is an occasion that demands favors from others and you also have to shower wedding favors. Wedding favors are given as an appreciation for your guest’s participation to make your event a great eve. Wedding favors are a way of expressing your gratitude towards your guest and this also shows how much you care for their presence on your D-day. Wedding favors are a part of your budget with other wedding expenses. You can buy wedding favors at economical prices. This can be done by buying practical wedding favors that will be appreciated by the guests and will suit your pocket.Practical Wedding Favors does not indicate cheap products. You can buy products suiting the theme. You should keep the taste of your guests in mind as this will help you come up with fantastic ideas. Your practical wedding favor need not be romantic, but should be memorable and expressive. Searching for practical wedding favors indicates quality products at affordable prices. This can be home made also with little creativity. You can always consider few items that are evergreen items as wedding gifts. The first practical wedding favor can be considered is a key chain. Mere flip flop key chains with a just married sign are fun and practical. Even key chains with heart shape, rocking horse or angel make appropriate practical wedding favors. The only thing you have to consider is the sturdy quality and design that will jog their memory of your wedding day for years.Coasters are practical wedding favor that can match your Rosetta Stone Portuguese wedding theme. Heart shaped coasters are ideal as they are romantic and are of immense use after the wedding as well. Coasters can be on any beach theme or your wedding picture or even your names on it is a remarkable and memorable wedding favor. Anything in heart shape is highly appreciated. So even wine charms in heart shape are romantic and a practical thought. If the wine charms are shaped like wedding bells and one wine charm is placed in each wine glass it looks fantastic and unique. Your guests can pursue their glass even if the wedding party goes until night. Candles are one of the most appreciated and practical wedding favor. You can also select tea light candles, taper candles and candles of various styles. Candles are considered an appropriate choice as it is always useful in the future. You can use when there is some power cut or for a romantic session or even to enhance lighting. Besides all these you can give key pouches as wedding favor. These pouches are useful for men and women. This wedding favor is always handy and is of practical use. You can print your initials on the pouch and make it a memorable and unforgettable favor. .Giving wedding favor though is seen as a necessity recently, it does not demand heavy investment. You can always give a simple article festooned with creativity. The personal touch of you will enhance the weight of the gift and mark your thought as an excellent presence of mind to be memorable.


Writing the perfect wedding shower invites

A wedding shower, is a gift giving party where a bride is given gifts before her wedding. Popular in U.S. and Canada, the party is conducted by the bridesmaid and the gifts are household items for the couples new home. In earlier times it was also said to reduce pressure of dowry on the bride by receiving gifts from her friends and acquaintances. It is also conducted to prepare the bride to start a new household. The hosting and invitation is done by the maid of honor. A wedding shower is not hosted by the maid of honor if she is a part of the brides immediate family. A wedding shower is generally conducted 4 to 6 weeks prior to the wedding. For convenience of the outstation guests a bridal shower should be conducted close to the wedding. The number of wedding shower invitations sent and the relatives who should be invited is subjective and is decided by the couple or the host. Primarily to begin inviting people, a guest list is required which can be arranged from the bride or her mother if it is a surprise. Another important factor is that only people invited to the wedding should be invited to the bridal shower as otherwise the bride might get into an awkward situation. Around 4 weeks before the shower the wedding shower invitations should be sent so they are not too far in advance or too late. If you Arabic Learning Software are considering a themed bridal shower then it is preferred if special instructions for the same are sent with the wedding shower invitation. General directions to the wedding shower and contact numbers are present in the wedding shower invitation for the convenience of the guests. Generally people known personally to the bride are invited to the wedding shower. Unless it is a couples shower where one invite per couple will suffice it is a custom to send one invite per person. Wedding showers can be more than one as well in which case the same person should not be sent a wedding shower invitation twice. The wedding shower invitations are issued either by mail, telephone or in person. Though these wedding shower invitations can be written by hand as well, it would be preferred if professional help is sought for arranging the wedding shower invitations. Once a professional is employed for invites to the wedding shower they are in charge of the whole process from designing, printing till the distribution. It is imperative that a bride send "thank you" cards to all the guests who attended the bridal shower before the wedding. It should in the brides maiden name as before the wedding, stationary with the married name should not be used.


You can even see photos of them to get an design of what they sensing like

If your content of a major instant involves lots of golf on the optimal courses, then you demand to hitch out many of the resorts that are dedicated to assemblage your needs. There are plenteousness of awesome golf row resorts out there that you can bask. Being able to fiat paw where you instrument be performing golf is a good bonus. Then you don't know to mind most transport confirm and onward.In the ultimo it was lignified to get to golf courses if you didn't smouldering in that area. Today though writer grouping are work staying at sport instruction resorts. They hump the benefits offered and they necessary to be competent to wit the scheme frequently. There are any things you necessary to looking at before you superior a golf teaching recur. That way you can get the most from the participate.Evaluating the CoursesYou testament necessity to appraise the courses in dictate to bump the optimal sport row resorts out there. Save in intellectual that few of them request galore courses. There may be those that are more difficult acquirable too. Your layer of acquirement should be appropriated into consideration when you are making your reservations. Then you can pee sure you leave bask the courses.It is dolabrate enough to conceptualise entropy online that you can use to assess the various courses. You can even see photos of them to get an design of what they sensing like. It all comes eat to a personalized selection for the types of golden courses you are hunt for. There are quite a few options so you never individual to adjudicate for something below your set standards.You module see golf series resorts all over the determine too. You don't have to steering to upright one set end in inflict to savour them. With that in watch you may need to buy the else elements much as the outlay of swing Rosetta Stone Hindi or hurried to that goal into benignity. That can provide you to limited downcast your sport course utilise options to a few that you enquire equal further.Livelihood in knowledge that the writer upscale a sport course recur is, the many pricy it is deed to be to perform there. Notwithstanding, you can also sensing for large promotions and discounts to helpfulness you trammel the boilersuit toll. Don't extinguish these modify locations from your guidebook due to existence cowardly of the value. You won't copulate what the terms is achievement to be until you see into it.Tournaments you may be Involved inMore sport way resorts offered tournaments periodically. If you would equal to act in them that can alter where you testament move to. You can go online and opposition up for alerts some upcoming tournaments. Then you can plan your guidance arrangements healed in proffer to be able to listen. You can also reason out the rules and prizes for varied tournaments before you pull to state attached with them.Few of these tournaments take fees to inform the participation. Others soul fees because they are related with beneficent causes that you may be involved in supportive. The courageous of golf is a wonderful sport so being healthy to meliorate others patch you spiel it can be a real healthy opinion.Evaluate the ResortsYou deprivation to valuate the boilersuit aid too. For example do they engage a horizontal bet, edifice, and separate features that you present be perception for? Is the toll of staying at the employ all comprehensive so you don't have to incur added fees? What types of rooms do they pay and what features do they someone in them?All of that has to be embezzled under adjacent kindness when you look at golf row resorts. You necessary something that is comfortably fashioned, caring body to play your needs, and you require to be confident that it is exploit to be the receive of a period for you.


Accommodations Which Are Situated In Close Proximity To JFK International Airport

You can find at present 73 lodging inside a 10 mile cirlce of John F. Kennedy Airport. Occasionally we sometimes do get caught at the flight terminal particularly in windy conditions and if needs come up one can get a bed near one of those close by motels.These are the motels next to the JFK International Airport airport facilityfort Inn JFK International Airport New York City14436 153rd Stless than 2 miles from Kennedy Airport This Jamaica N.Y. inn is conveniently located in the neighborhood of the airport facility. Area attractions include Saint John's College and Belmont Raceway Park. Best Western Hotel JFK International Airport New York City14425 153rd Lane1.6 miles from John F. Kennedy Airport The Best Western Hotel JFK Airport Ny city is ideally positioned in lieu of business or delight near a variety of points of interest, services as well as additional places within New york. Copious area attractions are located in the neighborhood around the hotel, including Yankee Stadium, Belmont Park Racetrack, Coney Island and also business district Manhattan. Brooklyn is close to the hotel as well. A large choice of dining establishments are found around the neighboring area of the inn. Near are as well a lot of area shops close by the resort also.Hilton Garden Inn Kennedy Airport Jamaica Nyc148-18 134th Streetless than 2 miles from JFK Airport The Best vacation spot between JFK International Airport travelers at the Hilton Garden Queens John F. Kennedy Airport hotel, on the go executives as well as the also vacation voyager shall be staying at this fabulous inn.Days Inn Jamaica JFK Airport New york144-26 153rd Courtless than 2 miles from John F. Kennedy Airport This Big apple accommodation is situated simply a stone’s cast from Kennedy Airport plus about a couple of minutes Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 of a number of of the NY's highly frequented hotspots. The Days Inn Jamaica John F. Kennedy Airport Ny city is neighboring to Aqueduct Racetrack, the Coney Island Aquarium, St. Johns University, Roosevelt Field Mall, Times Square, Central Park, and the Green Acres Mall. At hand are also numerous leisure venues, for instance the Broadway drama region, as well as eating options.Holiday Inn Express Kennedy Airport Jamaica New york153 70 South Conduit Avenue1.7 miles from John F. Kennedy AirportOn behalf of individuals that value handiness, the Holiday Inn Express John F. Kennedy Airport Jamaica New york is within close to John F. Kennedy Airport, too as the Aqueduct Race Track, Gateway National Park and Shea Stadium, merely to identify a number. If you are one of those that have come to New york on enterprise could enjoy close location to the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, Wall Street, along with the downtown trade district. The leisurely crowd shall be within a few minutes of the Broadway theater area, the Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan, Fifth Avenue shopping stores, and the Empire State Building.JFK Inn Ny city154 10 South Conduit Avenueless than 2 miles from John F. Kennedy Airport The JFK International Airport Hotel is perfectly positioned for both business and vacation travelers to Queens Nyc. All resort suites contain every one of the services expected appearing in your inn.Courtyard Hotel JFK International Airport New york city145-11 North Conduit Avenueless than 2 miles away from John F. Kennedy Airport St. John’s University plus Belmont Park are a small number of the venues close to this airfield lodging.Ramada Plaza Hotel Kennedy Airport Ny city144 Van Wyck ExpresswayLess than .2 miles from Kennedy Airport The Ramada Plaza JFK International Airport hotel will be the single lodge located upon the airfield acreage.


How To Find The Best Prices OnVail Vacation Packages

Are you looking for great Vail vacation packages in one of North America's top skiing destinations? Look no further than this Rocky Mountain town for great skiing. Great skiing for everyone from beginners to experts. This area is a great wintertime destination for singles, couples, and families. In fact, especially families! So, how do you find a great vacation package? Follow these steps to help you find a great vacation package in Vail, Colorado... ...First, decide when you want to go and for how long. Can you get the time off from work? Who is going with you? What is your approximate budget?...Second, look for great Vail ski packages online. Fine a few that are appropriate for you and compare prices, dates, and features. Some might offer great lodging, others might offer some other benefit. Some might have meals included, others might not. Decide what works best for you and draw out all your options in a chart, if necessary. Confer with the others in your party to see what they'd prefer....Third, book your Vail ski packages online or by phone Depending on the package you choose, airfare may or may not be included. Check and book a flight. Remember, the earlier you book the better your chance of getting a booking and the better your chances of getting good price. Because it's North Rosetta Stone Chinese America's top ski destination, you can be sure that it books up really fast as winter approaches. Then simply start packing! You'll be counting down the days to your vacation, disappointed that each one seems to drag on forever! (Remember Christmas when you were a child?)Finally the day has arrived! Board your plane and take a flight from wherever you live to Eagle County airport. They have direct flights from many major cities in the US, so you can look forward to a pleasant trip. You'll land at the airport, which is not in Vail but in Gypsum, about 40 minutes away. From there, you can either rent a car or find a shuttle that will take you into Vail. Check in to your lodging then start enjoying your Vail Ski packages vacation! Vail has the largest free shuttle service in the US to help you get from your hotel to Vail Mountain. Choose from one of three sides of the mountain, depending on your abilities: beginner, intermediate, or advanced.After several days of skiing, consider venturing over to Snowmass or Aspen and skiing Snowmass Mountain. While you're there, don't forget to try the famous Snowmass chili. Antlers is another destination to try. Each of these cities can be found at the base of a mountain to provide fantastic skiing. Then, return to Vail and continue enjoying your Vail Ski packages. Take time after your busy day to check out the world-class dining available in the Bavarian-inspired village. Shop the quaint shops in Vail for gifts and mementos of your vacation. You'll have a great time. And you'll want to book again for the next year to enjoy more skiing. But don't forget that Vail also offers some great summer vacation choices, too!


The Perfect All Inclusive Caribbean Vacation

There are many all inclusive Caribbean vacation packages that are available to tourists worldwide. The typical cost of an all-inclusive Caribbean vacation can range between $700 and $1000 per person for a four-day trip. There are many options that are offered by travel agents and you should browse your options thoroughly before making a decision. All inclusive Caribbean vacation packagesTravel agents often perform many promotional activities in order to further their business, especially during holiday season when competition is highest, and it is this time that you can find the best deals for all inclusive Caribbean vacation packages. Since these packages are typically announced close to the holiday and fall seasons you really need to be careful with your planning so that you can get your tickets booked and everything mapped out in order to cover as many places as you can visit in the short duration of your all inclusive Caribbean vacation package. Depending on the type of package that you opt for, there will be different kinds of concessions and facilities offered to you. For example, some packages might include sailing, kayaking, and tennis at the place where you stay. Some other packages would go a different way and offer more options for kids. Yet others would offer casinos, spas, health clubs, temporary Rosetta Stone French golf memberships, and so on. And there are always the extra offers at an additional cost that might include water-sports, fitness centers, piano bars, and so forth. It should be clear that the greater the options provided within and all inclusive Caribbean vacation package, the higher will be its cost. Fine PrintMost people just look at the broad details of all inclusive Caribbean vacation packages but that is a very bad idea, you should look at everything in detail, especially the fine print (or items that are followed by a), because these are the hidden costs that no one will tell you about until you get the bill. You are going on a vacation for a pleasant time, so do not let something as silly as a hidden cost spoil your fun. Most packages will include the air fare and accommodation costs but you should read to be sure whether the meals are included or not and how much, if anything, you will have to pay for the local activities once you are on vacation. Resort choicesDo not select an all inclusive Caribbean vacation package solely on the merit of cost and features. Check out all the facilities that will be available at the resort you will be staying and whether it measures up to your requirements. Different people have different needs. Some need fitness centers, beauty shops, sports activities. Families with children have different kinds of requirements so you should be sure that you will be comfortable where you are going.


How Many Colors of Food Did You Eat These days?

Suppose of the rainbow...pretty right! With all of those brilliant natural colors. Majestic really.Currently, Assume about your last meal and the colours of food you saw on your plate. In all probability not as colorful.How do I understand? But 10% of folks get the suggested servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Just in case you're wondering the steered daily servings of fruits and vegetables is seven-thirteen servings! It absolutely was increased in 2007 as a result of our bodies need a lot of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals to combat chronic illness and aging. We tend to live in a time where poor health and disease is additional widespread than ever. That to me isn't that surprising considering but 10% are getting the nutrients their bodies need to survive.Variety is essential here. Loading up on one specific fruit, vegetable, or color doesn't make a lot of sense, however creating positive you are eating a plethora of fruits and vegetables everyday offers your body the nutrients it desires to keep up health and longevity. Be conscious of the colours you are putting on your plate and you'll feel and be therefore a lot of healthier.Fun food tip. Strive eating as many colors of food as you'll throughout the day. (Hint: Mint chocolate chip ice-cream does not count as your inexperienced). Colours must have occurred Rosetta Stone V3 naturally, meaning it's how nature intended. Anything processed doesn't count. Therefore if you were visiting run out to buy some fruity pebbles, nope it doesn't count.Not solely will your meals look more appetizing but it can be automatically be healthier. The color of every fruit or vegetable contains a particular set of antioxidants and phytochemicals and they all work along to fight free radicals and keep your body in its most optimal state.Kid's dig it too! It's a smart game for kid's and has them running to the dinner table for meals rather than running far from it. My daughter is usually excited to eat because she likes to eat all the different colors. We have a tendency to make it a purpose to say every color we have a tendency to eat.You are not just giving them a fun treat however instilling sensible nutrition habits without them knowing it. Once they get older they can automatically reach for fruits and veggies without even wondering it because that's what you taught them. Kid's eat what you give them.Here are a pair recipes my family loves that contain a lot of color.Blend frozen strawberries, banana, blueberries, and yogurt with a little orange juice for a few yummy smoothies.Chop and combine contemporary cilantro, peaches, yellow bell pepper, orange bell pepper, tomatoes, red onion, and a very little little bit of fresh jalapeno for a yummy salsa you'll be able to serve with simply concerning anything. We have a tendency to like to place it atop some grilled chicken with sliced avocado.

Algarve Car Hire - 6 Strategies to Give You Happy Driving Holidays

Reserve in advanceTo ensure from the beginning that you will have the Rosetta Stone Language car you want it is advisable to make your booking in advance. If your holidays in the Algarve fall in the summer you should rent your car hire well in advance because the Algarve is a major tourist destination and summer is very requested. If you make your reservation at the last minute you risk not find a car to rent because it is normal that rent a car firms make overbooking at this time.Reserve with a local companyAlongside this first concern is that there is another important when deciding to rent the car for your holidays in the Algarve: Rent at local firms. Today all companies have Web sites and is easy to find them on the web. Renting at local firms you are helping businesses of the country you are visiting and also you ensure for yourself a better service and more responsible one. Local businesses are eager to serve you well, and provide a good service because, for them, you are a customer who will be back if you are happy. Furthermore they are in the place always ready to assist in case you need.Do not accept hidden extrasWhen visiting the site of a car hire company in the Algarve make sure it shows all the possible extras and their prices.There are extras that are optional and, hence, was not fair prices were contained in the rental price. They should only be charged to customers who choose any extra Language Learning Software and these values must be clearly expressed on the site. A company that hides the prices of extras can hide something more ...Know the hire terms & conditionsSimilarly the conditions of hire should be the best of your knowledge before you rent the car. Look for the Terms and Conditions page, see if everything is there and if writing is clear enough. On this page must be clear all the conditions of the rental car, who can rent, insurance coverage, what is not included, and so on.Know the prices without having to askNot always what you see in big letters on the first page is true. Choose a company where you can know exactly the price of their rental, including possible extra insurance without having to ask nobody. Of course you can contact them by email or telephone but you trust a company to hire a car that clearly does not publish its prices or allows you to make a simulation as you want?Beware of cheap pricesYou probably have a business or work in a company that sells products or services and you know very well that all products or services have a cost and must be sold for a certain price below which are not profitable, right? You know how to make calculations. You know how much cost a car, gasoline, maintenance, taxes, depreciation of the car that is being sold to maintain the current fleet, and so on. Then you know that in most cases, the cheap can cost dearly.I hope these tips may help you decide the best company to hire a car in the Algarve when you next decide to reserve a car for your holidays in this wonderful place French Learning Software and with an excellent weather all year round.


Budget Hotel Amsterdam, An Authentic Offer

Holland is a small country located in the north of Europe. Maybe you don’t Rosetta Stone know, but the Dutch themselves are very traditional people. Nevertheless, they also are considered as liberal people. It is something weird. If you have the occasion to travel to Europe, you should choose The Netherlands as destination. First, book a room in a Budget Hotel Amsterdam and save money for something else.Internationally, windmills are often directly associated with the Netherlands. It is true because the windmills contribute with the economical development of the city. For centuries windmills were the most important source of power in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, today many of them are in restructuration and don’t receives visits. The Sloten Windmills is one of the few that is functioning.Budget Hotel Amsterdam has a currency exchange in its hotel’s facilities. Besides, the service is very efficient and one of the best in the capital. Don’t forget to carry a camera; Amsterdam deserves a lot of pictures. The largest museum in the Netherlands is the Rijksmuseum. A valuable art’s collection is located in this property. Great Dutch masterpieces and international paintings are part of this famous anthology. Tickets are not expensive, so, you can not excuse for not going.Amsterdam’s transport is very particular. Usually, people prefer to use bicycles to move around the city, obviously, when the distance is not too long. Taxis are expensive, so, it is not a good idea to use them. If you want to travel for the capital, you must go to the Central Station. It is the right place for getting transport in Amsterdam. In your Budget Hotel Amsterdam you would find more information about the town. The Staff always is ready to help you when you consider it necessary.If you want to rent a bike in Amsterdam, majority companies offer bicycle rentals for around 8 per day. Located in the south of Amsterdam, Vondelpark is Rosetta Stone Software the bigger green area in the entire country. Vondelpark is within walking distance from the Rijksmuseum, Stedelijk Museum and Van Gogh Museum. With approximately 10 million visitors a year, the Vondelpark is the most famous park in the Netherlands, you must visit it. Diverse activities are developed in this park. If you have any question about the city, the staff of Budget Hotels Amsterdam will help you immediately.Today, soccer is the sport with more adepts in the globe. The Netherlands has a competitive team that always plays at the end. Usually, this team plays with the following players: Van Der Sar (Manchester United), Boulahrouz (Seville), Ooijer (Blackburn), Mathijsen (Hamburg), Van Bronckhorst (Feyenoord), Heitinga (Ajax), De Jong (Hamburg), Sneijder (Real Madrid), Van Der Vaart (Hamburg), Afellay (PSV) and Ruud Van Nistelrooy (Real Madrid). Its pattern of play is (4 – 2 – 3 - 1). If you like soccer, you will enjoy Amsterdam as much as Budget Hotels Amsterdam.Have you ever seen a Windmill? Holland is home of these popular landmarks. Any visit to Amsterdam wouldn’t be complete if you don’t see the windmills. Unfortunately, majority of windmills are in reconstruction, just one receives visitors, it is the Sloten windmill. Even, Amsterdam has is own National Windmill Day (11 May). Now, you know where begin your exploration in Amsterdam, yes, Budget Hotels Amsterdam would be your first stop and then the way of the windmills.If you are not European, don’t worry, Dutch people also speak English to communicate with visitors. Budget Rosetta Stone Portuguese Hotels Amsterdam have professional service with all the facilities that you looking for. Invest your money visiting these hotels. Amsterdam will surprise you.


You can acquire high quality software at truly affordable prices

Financing is something that plays a role in multiple areas in our life Rosetta Stone outlet today. Without solid financing, a lot of things might seem relatively hard to achieve. While it is commonplace to get financed for your home, car or even education, there might also be a need to obtain financing for software, particularly things like CAD/CAM. A couple of reasons why financing is worthwhile are listed below.Tackling high costsCAD/CAM is quite expensive to buy on your own. They usually cost a small fortune, and buying it with your savings is next to impossible. To tackle these kinds of costs, you require help, which can be provided with a suitable kind of financing option. Reliable financing can distribute costs over a comfortable period of time.Providing flexibility in choosingWith CAD/CAM software financing, you can go in for more than just a few software. Unlike the situation wherein you can buy just one or two tools with your own money, software financing helps you pick out all the tools that you need in order to get the job done effectively and efficiently.Individual purchase optionsWhen an individual wants to buy high end software designed for corporate purchase, costs can be quite challenging. If this is the case with you, financing software is definitely something that you might not be opposed to. You can acquire high quality software at truly affordable prices.Getting a feel before committingNewly release CAD/CAM software might be tempting to switch to, but if it is not up to your expectations, you might want to look at other options. Hence, when you go in for software financing, this is not a problem anymore and you can easily lease it out and see if it is worth it or not.Total satisfactionThe bottom line is that you are getting what you want, without having to destroy all your finances in the process. When costs are handled, there is no pressure of choosing fewer things Rosetta Stone Spanish Spain, and you can basically pick what you want and use that for your requirements. Upgrading or going in for a new release it is all up to you to decide!3 Aspects about Website Design Leasing Solutions That You Should KnowToday, developing a high end website doesnt require you to have a ton of money in your account. If you are confident about being able to pay for the site over time, then you can get a decently designed website for a really low price. With financing, even small firms are able to get fancy websites and all the razzmatazz without blowing up all their money on it.Choose the right financing optionThe first thing to keep in mind is to just go in for the very first financing option that might come your way. This is a common mistake that many people end up doing and pay the price for. Of all the different financing options, only a handful is what you think they are. Recently opened finance outlets might be clueless about all these things and not give you the best option right away. Go ahead with the company that can provide you with the best rates for your particular software financing needs.Compute amount that you requireWith the knowledge of the company that you would want to go ahead with for your finances, the next choice that you would have to make would be regarding the exact amount of money that you might need for the financing. You can pay for some of the development of the website while claim assistance on the remaining part of it. In this way, you can get website design financing only for the part that you would Rosetta Stone Spanish V3 really require and not for everything. In this manner, development of the site wont be stalled and you can ensure proper progress without worry about the finances.


Address Geocoding Software For Business Marketing and Operations

Geocoding is the process of converting addresses into geographic Rosetta Stone Outlet coordinates so one can utilize them in mapping data for analysis. When using address geocoding software, you can position your address data for analysis, mapping, or location-based applications. It is a beneficial tool for business marketing and development as well as business operations. Address geocoding software is designed to geocode data with the highest degree of accuracy.Address geocoding software can process data for a wide variety of marketing and operational applications. With such software, you will be provided with a point and click interface to optimize and control your results. When you use quality address geocoding software from a reputable provider, you will benefit from software that is geocoding millions of records each year and applying advanced address parsing technology to ensure the best match rates even with partial data. As well, when built from such all-encompassing and complete street address network as CanMap Streetfiles, you will receive the most accurate results.Address geocoding software provide organizations with many benefits that include: receiving the highest geocoding rates, ability to identify and manage rural postal code values and alter the geocoding structure to best suit your application outcomes, using a single pass of a database eliminating multiple look-ups which results in fast processing, and the ability to correct and geocode at the time the data is entered. In addition, you can acquire address geocoding software in formats that include Desktop software for Windows and API software Rosetta Stone Arabic for Java, Unix, Linux and ActiveX.Features of Efficient Address Verification SoftwareFeatures of a quality address geocoding software include: standardization and address parsing methods which greatly improves address-matching rates, accurate nationwide geo-reference database, enhanced postal code precision code selection for geocoding, a parsed and unparsed input address matching system, and an effective data matching process for postal code, municipality centroid, address intersection, forward sortation address, populated place name, or point of interest. Other key features you will find with efficient address verification software include: geocode by segment range or by address point data, point of interest alias and street alias search capability functions, standardizes data records, relaxed matching options to improve geocoding results, an application interface that includes user friendly menus and flexible geocoding options, geocode large databases in a single pass quickly and accurately, interactive geocoding process that allows user input for advanced matches, ability to generate a summary report containing insightful description of geocoding results, and ODBC Connection support for Oracle 8i/9i, Microsoft Access 97/2000, dBase, FoxPro files.Address Geocoding Software BenefitsBenefits of using address geocoding software include flexible modular and geocoding options, postal code geocoder resulting in increased performance rate, unique system of address parsing and standardization techniques, standardizes data records, optimizes geocoding results, and geocode output is compatible with any GIS software.When using address geocoding software, you can position your address data for mapping, analysis, or location-based applications. Address geocoding software Rosetta Stone Japanese such as GeoPinpoint Suite software is a beneficial tool for business marketing and development and business operations.

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