The media has been in a frenzy to get this question answered from Palin in the Learn French Online
last few weeks -will you run for president in 2012? Palin has said that if there isn't an effective candidate in the race then she will be forced to take the reins and officially enter the race. But as a republican? We can't be entirely sure.After news got wind of Palin will skip in the first republican presidential debate many people have written her off as a candidate for the 2012 presidential election. However, there has been some recent speculation that Sarah might end up running as an independent if there isn't a legitimate candidate that appeals to the tea party. If a Mitt Romney or Rudy Giuliani perhaps were to win the republican nomination, Palin could step in and rally the Tea Party voters that might otherwise stay home.Moreover the media has recently toned its message on Palin due to her not being dismissed as a Fox New analysis. Newt Gingrich, who recently formed an exploratory committee for president, was dismissed from his position for ethical reasons. Rick Santorum was also dismissed, but Rosetta Stone French
has yet to make an official announcement. However Palin could be mum on her real plans for 2012 which has helped her maintain her position at Fox News. Mike Huckabee was not dismissed from his Fox and he is considered to be a very likely candidate as he is leading the current polls.Palin told the BBC early last week that campaign funds would influence her decision on making an announcement to run for president. She mentioned that Obama has one billion dollars of special interest money and is already ready for the election in 2012. The question on many people's minds is Sarah Palin's electability as a political candidate for president. Many people agree she is popular in the media; however, can she win the presidency of the United States? Polls show that she is popular among conservatives for job at 16% favorability trailing Huckabee by only two points.She has made some missteps in the past, which some think will hinder her chances at being seen as a legitimate candidate. Although, she has had to learn about being in the spotlight the hard way and wasn't always aware that her every move was being watched. The infamous writing on her hand was arguably one of rosetta stone software
her largest political gaffes. If she should decide to run, Palin and her supporters hope America is forgiving.
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