
That became part of her magnetism and part of her appeal

When we were initially doing things the record company would turn up and shed sort Cheap Rosetta Stone of disappear into another room and play on the trumpet. I think thats what was so amazing and charming about her she knew she was the shit and she didnt need to prove it to anyone. That became part of her magnetism and part of her appeal. When she wrote music, the best way I can describe her is she was like an owl and a porcelain doll, she was so wise, but then so young and innocent. She had the wisdom you get with an old person and then that kind of naivet and innocence you get with a young child. I knew she was incredible we didnt even write lyrics, just messed around on a piano for five minutes and then shed go in a room, come up with genius lyrics and amazing melodies. She opened the gateway to so many other artists and in my view, she changed the whole paradigm of music. I think she made it possible for Adele, for the other artists that have come through to exist and put some truth and honesty back in music again.What happened to all the other songs you were working on?I reached out to Matt Rowe, who I was working with Rosetta Stone V3 and it was on his computer. Hell probably dredge up some stuff and see if theres anything just for nostalgia, I listen to stuff just for nostalgia at this point, these hilarious little outtakes and stuff. Im not sure where all the other songs are. I know Ive got a handful and theres more that Matt has got on his computer. Once its not on the album you sort of forget about it. I wasnt aware that suddenly there might be an interest in what there was.What do you want people to know about her?I loved her, she was someone that was ahead of her time. She had this incredible nurturing other side to her that no one has ever focused on. She was generous, she was just a good person and I think she wouldve made an amazing mother. If she hadnt been so consumed in things she mightve come out the other end and been a role model for Rosetta Stone Chinese lots and lots of people. Thats the thing I know her best for. Musically maybe some of the songs Ive got will end up being released. Maybe not, I dont know. But my biggest take on her is deep down she was a good person and she loved people. Thats something I dont think anybody ever focused in on with her. The U.K. press is terrible for creating train wrecks, they love doing that. And it was always disappointing me to see those kind of things. Even the worst journalist in the world that says horrible things about her she wouldnt hold anything against them. After vanishing briefly once again, the back screen changed to a projection of a subway car, and a central panel spun to reveal Madonna and her dancers lounging on seats as though they were hopping the D to the Bronx (the car actually read "Freshville"). Unlike "Hung Up," "Music" got a synth-soaked remix treatment, which soundtracked a gender-split dance-off between Madonna and her lady dancers and their male counterparts.At the end of the song the Kangol-topped crew returned to the subway and the lights Cheap Rosetta Stone V3 came up signifying the conclusion of the set, but the beat went on literally as the PA blasted "Beat Goes On" from Hard Candy and fans danced their way out the door.

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