
The mean scores of students in academic performance

The identified areas where government at different levels could come in will be brought into focus in other to bridge the gap of educational attainment of children of low and high income earners in the society. The importance of achieving the objectives of education programme among the general populace can not be over emphasized. A researcher, Laosa, had posted as follows: "The educational achievement gap has deep root; it is evident very early in child's lives; even before they enter schools. Socio–economic differences – such as health and nutrition status, home environments that provide access to academically related experiences, mobility rates, and financial assets can certainly influence academic achievements" (Laosa, 2005:5)Research hypothesis1. Parental socio – economic status does not have significant effect on the academic achievement of students.2. Parental educational background has no significant effect on students' academic achievements3. Parental qualification has no significant effect on the academic achievement of students4. Health status of students has no significant on the academic achievement of students.MATERIALS AND METHODS Population and sampling procedure The population of the students under the study was made up of both males and females in three senior secondary schools. Sixty students were randomly selected from each of the schools, thus one hundred and eight (180) students came under the study. Random sampling was used for convenience in the selection of schools and respondents using table of random number. In the selected schools, three consecutive ends of term examination results were obtained for twenty students from each of senior classes, I, II and III. Information relating to parental background and students. Questionnaire to elicit relevant information about the demographic data of the students (age, gender), parental socio – economic status, parental educational background and qualification as well as the health statuses of the respondents was used.Statistical analysis The data collected were analyzed using frequency count, percentage for variables such as age and sex. The hypotheses generated from the beginning were tested using t – test, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and pair – wise turkey test comparison at 0.05 level of significance.RESULTS AND DATA ANALYSIS The data collected is presented in tabular format for the purpose of analyzing them to expose the major finding in conformity Rosetta Stone Greek with the null hypothesis earlier generated. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using the t – test; analysis of variance (ANOVA), pair – wise comparison using turkey test at 0.05 level of significance. The demographic data were presented using frequency and percentage. Demographic Data: The demographic data of the respondents are shown in table I. This reveals that makes were 81 (45%), while ninety – nine (99) were female (55%). The age range the respondents were divided into three group for convenience. Those respondents that fall within the age range of 11 – 14 years were thirty – two (32) which represent 17.8%, while 108 of the respondents fall within the age range of 15 – 18, giving 60%. Others fall in the age range of 19 and above which were 40 and 22%.TABLE I. Demographic data of the respondents SEX AGE RANGE Male Female 11 – 14 15 - 18 19 above Frequency 81 99 32 108 40Percentage 45 55 17.8 60 22.2THE RESULTS OF THE ANALYZED DATA ON THE FOUR HYPOTHESES The results of the analyzed data on the hypothesis are given below: 1. Parental Socio-Economic Status:- Parental socio-economic status has no significant effect on the academic performance of students as shown in the table II.TABLE II. The mean scores of students in academic performance and parental socio-economics status.Source of Variation N X S.D MD Df t - cal t-crit. Decision (0.05)High 67 53.4 12.06 Low 113 52.3 11.13 NOTE: N.S means not significant at 0.05 levels The mean score of student's performance of high and low parental socio-economics statuses as shown in Table II reveals that parental economic statuses had no significant impact in student's ability to perform well academic study. This is because the calculated t-value in 1.96. Therefore the null hypothesis of no significant influence is retained.

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