
Liechtenstein, France in tax deal talks - paper

With state coffers strained by the downturn, Germany,France, Italy, and the Rosetta Stone United States have all turned up the heaton tax evaders. Britain and the Alpine state signed an agreement in 2009under which Britons who have spirited money away there candeclare it to officials until 2015. Liechtenstein had been under intense pressure since Germanyobtained confidential data on LGT, its largest bank, with namesof German citizens hiding money in the tiny principality wedgedbetween Switzerland and Austria. House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer criticized language inthe bill that he said would dramatically expand the president'spowers to use military force and attempt to reopen the repealof a ban on gay men and women serving openly in the military.Still, Hoyer voted in favor of the measure.'NATION-BUILDING' NEEDED AT HOME Much of the debate on the bill dealt with the conflicts inAfghanistan, Iraq and Libya as lawmakers voiced frustrationover the lack of an end in sight after 10 years of war. "The American people have grown weary of open-endedmilitary conflicts that place our troops in harm's way and addbillions to our national debt," Democratic Rosetta Stone languages Representative JohnConyers said in debate on his proposal to ensure no defensefunds could be used to deploy ground troops in Libya. Hoyer said that after backing the Afghanistan war for 10years, he now supports requiring Obama to begin planning forwithdrawal. "The death of Osama bin Laden was a landmark moment," hesaid. "The struggle has not ended with bin Laden's death, buthis death is a moment for reflection on that struggle and howwe can best equip ourselves to win it." Representative Jim McGovern, who sponsored the measure,warned that Obama was likely to start his promised drawdown inAfghanistan in July with a token of perhaps 5,000 troops. "We need to safeguard our national security ... but many ofour greatest problems aren't halfway around the world, they'rehalfway down the block. And rather than nation-building inAfghanistan, we need to do some more nation-building right herein the United States," he said. His proposal, which would have required a withdrawal planand stepped-up efforts for a political solution, failed on a204-215 vote. Twenty-six Republicans joined 178 Democrats inbacking it. Last summer, a similar measure got 162 votes. A separate proposal by Republican Representative JasonChaffetz would have required U.S. ground troops to withdrawfrom Afghanistan, Rosetta Stone German aside from those involved in small, targetedcounter-terrorism operations. It failed on a vote of 123-294.

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