
WRAPUP 6-Civilians in peril; Gaddafi son flees to Niger

Gaddafi troops hold out in Bani Walid, civilians flee NTC forces advance Rosetta Stone toward Sirte (Releads with NTC spokesman, spy chief arrest) By William Maclean and Maria Golovnina TRIPOLI/OUTSIDE BANI WALID, Libya, Sept 11 (Reuters) - -Libya's new rulers said on Sunday their fighters were holdingback an assault on one of the last bastions loyal to MuammarGaddafi after fighting their way into the town and findingcivilians in peril. Southern neighbour Niger said one of the fugitive formerleader's sons, Saadi Gaddafi, had turned up there after crossingthe remote Sahara desert frontier. The National Transitional Council, which is trying to exertits control over the entire country three weeks after itsfighters stormed Tripoli, said it plans to unveil a new, moreinclusive government for the country in 7-10 days. It also said it had begun producing oil, Libya's economiclifeblood, production of which had been all but haltedthroughout six months of civil war. In Tripoli, NTC fightersrevealed they had captured Gaddafi's foreign spy chief.The NTC says it will not declare Libya "liberated" until ithas taken control of towns still in the Rosetta Stone languages hands of Gaddafiloyalists. It had given holdout towns a deadline of Saturday tosurrender, and its fighters have been battling since Fridayinside the town of Bani Walid. They said on Sunday they were meeting stiff resistance inthe town 150 km (95 miles) southeast of the capital and werealso edging towards the ousted ruler's birthplace Sirte. "We are inside Bani Walid, we control big chunks of thecity. There are still pockets of resistance," one fighter namedSabhil Warfalli said as he drove away from the front line in thetown 150 km (95 miles) southeast of Tripoli. But the advance into the town seems to have stalled afterheavy fighting. NTC spokesman Ahmed Bani told reporters the planfor Bani Walid for now was to wait. "When our forces entered Bani Walid they found the brigadesof Gaddafi using citizens as shields," he told reporters. Hesaid Gaddafi fighters had put missile launchers on the roofs ofhouses with civilian families inside, making it impossible forNTC forces or their allied NATO war planes to strike. Fighters said they were meeting fiercer Rosetta Stone Chinsese V3 resistance thanexpected in the town.

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