Spike Jonze ranks among the most creative film directors in Hollywood, but hes still down Rosetta Stone V3 to work on intriguing music video projects. According to a report on /film, Jonze will team up with Arcade Fire — whose "Wake Up" served as the stirring backdrop for Jonzes Where the Wild Things Are trailer — on a short film likely based around one of the songs on the Montreal collectives upcoming third album. The shoot will reportedly take place in Austin, Texas, and feature actors in their late-teens in a story about "friends growing apart." While Arcade Fire would not comment on the report, MTV reports that Jonzes reps pretty much confirmed the project. As Rosetta Stone previously reported, Jonze and Kanye West released a short film last year titled We Were Once a Fairytale, a strange 12-minute tale of isolation and depravity soundtracked by Kanyes 808s Heartbreak single "See You in My Nightmares." Its Cheap Rosetta Stone Software unclear when Arcade Fires collabo with Jonze will be unveiled, but count on it emerging right around the time the band release their new album in the late summer. In addition to filming with Jonze, Arcade Fire will also return to the summer festival circuit with new songs during headlining slots at Lollapalooza, Reading and Leeds. Im in the process of begging Justin Timberlake to be part of it if Im lucky Ill be able to wear him down in another year." Coyne has proven his ability to recruit famous friends to appear on camera, as Christmas featured cameos by actor Adam Goldberg, Blues Clues Steve Burns, SNLs Fred Armisen and, in a scene cut from the film, Modest Mouses Isaac Brock.In addition to working on his latest film, as Rosetta Stone previously reported, Flaming Lips will perform their version of Pink Floyds The Dark Side of the Moon at this years Bonnaroo festival. The Lips will also launch a tour this Friday, March 12th with a pair of shows in Texas before heading out east in April. "There is no Relapse 2," Eminem wrote on Twitter in the wee hours Rosetta Stone Greek of this morning, effectively putting to rest any chance that the promised sequel to his 2009 comeback album Relapse will be released in the near future — if ever.
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