
Chicks Bring Home Number One

All the pre-fab luster that presumably surrounds the Dixie Chicksis just part of the trick, as Rosetta Stone Spanish the trio takes its cue from anotherpioneering blonde that fused first-rate musical chops with thingsthat sparkle: Dolly Parton. Because the Chicks have succeeded inNashville, theyre frequently lumped in with much of the fodderthat fills the country music charts from glamourpusses tostetson-wearing beefcakes. Its a mistake. That the trio hasinsurgently slipped the banjo back into country music is anaccomplishment that other Music City mavericks havent been able toaccomplish. That the Chicks two albums (since the arrival ofsparkplug singer Natalie Maines) have sold more than 10 millioncopies apiece despite the groups genuine acoustic leanings is evenmore so.With their new album, Home, the Dixie Chicks againchallenged pop-minded country listeners to break up with them.Home is their most wood-and-wire-driven recording sincethe pre-Maines bluegrass circuit days. And despite dancing closerand closer to country musics rural roots, the group managed tosell 780,000 copies of Home, according to SoundScan, atally that trails only Eminems The Eminem Show for bestsingle Rosetta Stone Software week number of the year. Its also a number that dwarfstheir previous Number One, 1999s Fly, which sold 341,000in its first week. And no matter how you define your country music,Homes Week One sales puts the Chicks in a club with thelikes of Shania (barely country) and Garth (white collarcountry).The Eminem Show, last weeks chart-topper, fell toNumber Two with sales of 176,000. Avril Lavignes Let Gorefuses to do just that, hanging in at Number Three on a 20,000sales spike to 150,000. Two other strong debuts splashed into theTop Ten: Coldplay broke the 40,000 Britpop ceiling with A Rushof Blood to the Head, which sold 141,000 copies at NumberFive, topping Eve, whose Eve-olution jumped in at NumberSix with sales of 123,000.The Labor Day holiday provided a bit of a boost for otheralbums, as Pinks Missundaztood (Number Sixteen) andP.O.D.s Satellite, which doubled its sales from last weekto jump from Eighty-four to Number Thirty-six both enjoyed salesjumps. And the MTV Video Music Awards provided a bit of apush for the Vines Highly Evolved, Rosetta Stone Italian V3 which moved fromNumber Forty to Number Thirty-three, and the Hives Veni VidiVicious, which climbed from Number 104, back into the Top 100,at Number Ninety.

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