The Force has two sides. It is not a malevolent or a benevolent thing. It has a bad side to it, Cheap Rosetta Stone involving hate and fear, and it has a good side, involving love, charity, fairness and hope. George Lucas"Theres no place for personal triumph in a film like this," says Harrison Ford dryly, referring to his return to the screen as mercenary adventurer Han Solo in Star Wars monumental sequel, The Empire Strikes Back. Although Ford shares star billing, he is painfully aware that he and the other featured performers are mere pawns in a projected nine-part series of sci-fi films, cartoonlike components with little more dimension than the hapless androids C-3PO and R2D2.Photos: The 10 Greatest Film and TV Superheroes Star Wars, the creation of writer-director-producer George Lucas, is the largest-grossing film of all time over $400 million at last count and Empire, directed by Irvin Kershner, looks to be its nearest box-office rival. Cheap Rosetta Stone V3 Yet the cast of this spectacular saga seems almost lost in an interplanetary shuffle.This article appeared in the July 24, 1980 issue of Rosetta Stone. The issue is available in the online archive."The star is the movie," says Mark Hamill, a.k.a. Luke Skywalker, and his cohorts sadly concur. Indeed, Harrison Ford has learned so little about his own character that he cannot explain why Solo is being pursued by bounty hunters throughout Empire."Theres no, er, I dont know why that is." He shrugs, red-faced. "I can imagine, but basically, I just work here, you know what I mean? In fact, I didnt Rosetta Stone Japanese get the script to the second picture until three weeks before we started shooting. [Some of the actors in Empire were given only partial scripts to ensure the secrecy of plot twists.] I havent gotten the script for the third one, The Revenge of the Jedi.Read Gear Up, Rosetta Stones Tech Blog"One of Georges real strengths," adds Ford, "is not giving you all the information you need, yet at the same time not denying you anything essential. You have a feeling that you want to know more at all times."I have heard frequently," he continues, "that there is a certain kind of disappointment with Cheap Rosetta Stone V3 the ending of the second film.
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